"Bibliotheken sind meine abgezognen Häute" | Werk |
Knoblich, Aniela |
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Patriotizm i pravitel'stvo | Werk |
Tolstoj, Lev Nikolaevič 1900 |
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The doors of perception | Werk |
Huxley, Aldous |
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Proust | Werk |
Beckett, Samuel |
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Domination and the arts of resistance: Hidden Transcripts | Werk |
Scott, James C. |
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A room of one's own | Werk |
Woolf, Virginia |
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Misère de la philosophie | Werk |
Marx, Karl |
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Die Fabrikation der Fiktionen | Werk |
Einstein, Carl |
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Bekenntnis zum Expressionismus | Werk |
Benn, Gottfried |
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Drei bürgerliche Welten? | Werk |
Koselleck, Reinhart |
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