University of the Punjab. Department of Botany | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
10081831-6 | |
Śrm̄ad-Dayānanda-Mahāvidyālaya | Körperschaft |
Lahore Indien |
5021435-4 | |
Anjuman-i Taraqqi-i Adab (Lahore) | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5041248-6 | |
University of the Punjab. Shahanshah of Iran's Grant Committee | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
6018965-4 | |
Pakistan Study Centre (Lahore) | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5335011-X | |
Bank of Punjab (Lahore) | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5323159-4 | |
Urdū Akādmī (Lahore) | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5110525-1 | |
Lahore Chamber of Commerce & Industry | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5150684-1 | |
Agricultural Marketing and Storage Limited (Lahore) | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5298814-4 | |
Punjab Small Industries Corporation | Körperschaft |
Lahore Pakistan |
5296314-7 |